mercoledì 10 giugno 2015

Gazprom, Comincia a Vendere il Petrolio alla Cina in Renminbi e Rubli. (Sostituendo i Dollari)

E’ sempre più urgente riportare la democrazia in Russia e possibilmente anche i Cina.
Mattone dopo mattone l’egemonia del Dio Dollaro viene scardinata dai paesi emergenti, Russia e Cina in testa ma non solo, anche larga parte del Sud America.
L’ultima notizia in ordine di importanza è la decisione di Gazprom di cominciare a vendere il proprio petrolio e gas alla Cina venendo pagata in Renminbi e non già in solo in dollari americani.
From FT via ZeroHedge:
Russia’s third-largest oil producer, is now settling all of its crude sales to China in renminbi, in the most clear sign yet that western sanctions have driven an increase in the use of the Chinese currency by Russian companies.
Russian executives have talked up the possibility of a shift from the US dollar to renminbi as the Kremlin launched a “pivot to Asia” foreign policy partly in response to the western sanctions against Moscow over its intervention in Ukraine, but until now there has been little clarity over how much trade is being settled in the Chinese currency.
Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of state gas giant Gazprom, said on Friday that since the start of 2015 it had been selling in renminbi all of its oil for export down the East Siberia Pacific Ocean pipeline to China.
Russian companies’ crude exports were largely settled in dollars until the summer of last year, when the US and Europe imposed sanctions on the Russian energy sector over the Ukraine crisis…
Gazprom Neft responded more rapidly than most, with Alexander Dyukov, chief executive, announcing in April last year that the company had secured agreement from 95 per cent of its customers to settle transactions in euros rather than dollars, should the need to do so arise.
Mr Dyukov later said the company had started selling oil for export in roubles and renminbi, but he did not specify whether the sales were significant in scale.
According to Gazprom Neft’s first-quarter results issued last month, the East Siberian Pacific Ocean pipeline accounted for 37.2 per cent of the company’s crude oil exports of 1.6m tonnes in the three months to March 31.
Complimenti per la grande strategia americana.
La Russia non aveva mai fatto passi da gigante come in questo ultimo anno a livello di apertura del suo mercato e modernizzazione della sua economia, ad essere onesti l’amministrazione Obama sarà ricordata come un evento positivo e benefico per tutti i cittadini russi.

Fonte: qui

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